Articles Bal Saahitya | Hamro Patro

ब्लग - साहित्य/ बाल साहित्य

Eshanee Manandhar  - Oct 04 2024

Being Billy is an English novel written by the renowned British children’s writer, Phil Earle. The book was published on January 6, 2011. Being Billy tells a simple yet powerful story about a boy and his life in a care home. The novel revolves around a young teenage boy who grapples with loneliness after his sense of "happiness" is stripped away from him.

 - Sep 27 2024

‘मनझाँक्री’ नाटकका लेखक पुरु लम्साल हुन् । ‘मनझाँक्री’ किताब एक नाटक सङ्ग्रह हो । यस किताबमा दुई ओटा नाटक रहेका छन् । एउटा नाटकको नाम ‘मनझाँक्री’ हो भने अर्को नाटकको नाम ‘जिउँदाहरूको चिता’ हो । यस किताबको आवरण अत्यन्त सुन्दर छ । यस किताबको प्रकाशन काठमाडौँ पब्लिकेसनले गरेको हो । यो किताबमा ९१ पेज छन् । नाटक पेज न.९ देखि सुरु भएको छ । पेज न.९ देखि ६४ सम्म पहिलो नाटक ‘मनझाँक्री’ छ भने पेज न.७१ देखि ९१ सम्म ‘जिउँदाहरूको चिता’ नाटक छ ।

Ujjwol Dhakal  - Sep 11 2024

The name of the book is George’s Marvelous Medicine. The writer of this book is Roald Dahl, and it is illustrated by Quentin Blake. This book has 104 pages. The genre is fiction.

Suphiyana Ghimire  - Aug 23 2024

“An observer of the caged birds, one who is capable of singing the bird’s emotions like their own all while remaining true to their role” is the befitting set of words describing the innate talent of the author, Paulo Coelho. Born on August 24, 1947, in Rio de Janeiro, Paulo Coelho is a famous writer from Brazil.

श्वेता घिमिरे  - Aug 16 2024

‘साँझको सङ्गत’ कवि प्रकाश रम्घालीद्वारा रचित सुन्दर गद्य कविता सङ्ग्रह हो । ४४ वटा कविताहरूले सजिएकाे यो कविता सङ्ग्रहमा हरेक कविताका आआफ्नै विशेषता रहेका छन् ।

Sadhvi Aryal  - Aug 09 2024

“The Post Office” is a play or an act that revolves around Amal, the main protagonist of the book. Amal is a child confined to his adopted uncle’s house by an incurable disease. Amal always dreams and fantasises about receiving letters from the king or being a postman.

सुशान्त पोखरेल  - Jul 19 2024

‘अँध्यारो कोठा’ प्रसिद्ध साहित्यकार सरुभक्तज्यूले बालबालिकाहरूका लागि लेख्नुभएको बाल उपन्यास हो । परिचय पब्लिकेसनले यसलाई बजारमा ल्याएकाे हाे । ७४ पृष्ठको यस उपन्यासमा अमानवीय पात्र माकुरो, माउसुली, भँगेरा र भँगेरीको कथामार्फत जीवन र जगतको यथार्थता चित्रण गरिएको छ । जुन बालबालिकाका लागि मात्र नभई सबै वर्ग र उमेर समूहका लागि ज्ञानबर्द्धक रहेको छ ।

Shreevaani Dhungel  - Jul 12 2024

“The Willoughbys Return” was written by Lois Lowry who was awarded the New York Times Best Selling Author and Newbery Medal. It was published in Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Boston,New York. It was originally published in the year 2020.

परिधि पन्त  - Jul 05 2024

मन्जु ज्ञवालीद्वारा लिखित ‘फेक आइडी’ भन्ने किताब एक किशोर कथा सङ्ग्रह हो। यसलाईभुँडीपुरण प्रकाशनले प्रकाशन गरेको हो । किताबमा १० ओटा छुट्टाछुट्टै कथाहरू रहेका छन् । यसमा १२० पृष्ठ छन् । यो किताबबाट मलाई फेक आइडी भन्ने कथा सबैभन्दा धेरै मन पर्‍याे । यो कथा १२ पानामा संरचित छ। कथा साइबर अपराधको बारेमा लेखिएकाे छ ।

Radharani Sen  - Jun 28 2024

The book is about a boy named Charlie Bucket who loves eating chocolate. However, his parents cannot afford it because they are poor. One snowy, cold day while walking home from school, he found some money. Soon after, he discovered a golden ticket from Mr. Willy Wonka.

 - Jun 21 2024

The novel ‘The Post Office’ is written by Rabindranath Tagore. One of India’s best poets and playwright who was born in Bengal. The book originally was published in Bengali in 1912. The genre of the book is drama. The book shows a boy who is ailing due to his sickness. Which does not allow him to be free, outside of his house and when he grows up he wants to be free.

 - Jun 14 2024

यस किताबको लेखक मञ्जु ज्ञवाली हुन् । सम्पादक विनय कसजु हुन् । भाषा सम्पादक प्रमोद प्रधान हुन् । यस किताबको पहिलो संस्करण २०७६ साल साउनमा भएको थियो भने दोस्रो संस्करण २०८० साल असारमा भएको थियो । यस कथा सङ्ग्रहमा दशवटा कथा रहेका छन् तर म ‘उजेलीको उज्यालो’ भन्ने कथाको कथावस्तु लेख्न गइरहेको छु।उजेलीको आमाले उजेलीलाई बिहे गर, पल्लाघरे कान्छा दाइले बिहेको कुरो लिएर आ’थे भनेर भनिरहेकी थिइन् तर उजेलीलाई बिहे गर्न मन छैन त्यसैले उनले त्यो कुरामा रुचि देखाइनन् ।

Jyotsana Tako  - Jun 07 2024

This book “The Willoughbys Return” is a sequel from its predecessor, “The Willoughbys”. This novel in particular deals with the two couples who were frozen in the minor Alp in Switzerland in the previous book. The story then continues as soon as they defrost after 30 years. As expected, the thirty years of hiatus had made them strangers in the new generation. So, they had a hard time fitting in. The whole novel revolves around this couple and their hardships in coping with the new environment, along with the hardships of their family members whose lives have taken a turn since this couple’s hiatus.

उज्ज्वल ढकाल  - May 24 2024

‘मनको लड्डु’ कथा एक बाल चित्रकथा हो। यो चित्रकथा यशु श्रेष्ठले लेख्नुभएको हो। यो कथामा चित्र भर्ने काम सुरज राईले गर्नुभएको छ । यो कथा परिचय पब्लिकेशनबाट प्रकाशन भएको हो। यो कथामा १८ वटा पृष्ठहरू रहेका छन् ।

Suprabh Acharya  - May 17 2024

‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ is a wonderful novel written by Harper Lee. The book was first published by Lippincott & Co. in 1960 AD. The book talks about the themes of racial injustice, moral growth, and empathy in the American South during the 1930s. The story of the book is set in the town of Maycomb during the first half of the 1900s. The book is about the Finch family, from the perspective of Scout Finch, a young girl and her brother Jem. Jem and Scout’s father, Atticus Finch, is a lawyer with fame and reputation who later defends Tom Robinson, who is a black man falsely accused of raping a white woman, Mayella Ewell. The trial of Tom Robinson can be seen as the focal point of the story as it exposes the racism and prejudice ingrained within the Maycomb Society.

इशानी मानन्धर  - May 03 2024

"कोही किन बरबाद होस्" प्रसिद्ध लेखक विजय मल्ल द्वारा लिखित नेपाली किताब र नाटक हो । यो किताब ४४ पृष्ठ भएको छोटो किताब हो भने किताबको आवरण चित्र, चित्रकार टेकवी मुखियाले बनाउनुभएको हो । यो किताब साझा प्रकाशनले प्रकशित गरेका हुन् भने यस किताबको पहिलो संस्करण वि.स. २०२६ मा भएको थियो । यस किताबको १८ संस्करण छन् र अन्तिम संस्करण वि.स. २०७८मा गरिएको थियो । यो नेपाली किताब, ध्रुव नामको केटामा आधारित छ जसले आफ्नो विद्यालयमा विद्यार्थीहरूलाई गडबडी गरिरहेको देखिन्छ तर पछि एक शिक्षकले ध्रुवको अशान्त व्यवहारको कारण पत्ता लगाएपछि शिक्षकहरूले समाधान निकाल्छन् जसले ध्रुवलाई आफ्नो पढाइ र व्यवहारमा सुधार गर्न मद्दत गर्छन् ।

Aadhya Shri Poudel  - Mar 22 2024

“Malala” is a memoir written by Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani education activist and Nobel Prize winner. The book tells the story of her life, from growing up in the Swat Valley in Pakistan to her advocacy for girls' education and her survival after being targeted and shot by the Taliban.

संविद ढकाल  - Mar 15 2024

प्रस्तुत उपहार रहस्य एउटा बाल उपन्यास हो । यसलाई कृष्णदीप सिग्देलले लेख्नुभएको हो । याे पुस्तक साङ्ग्रिला पुस्तक प्रा.लिद्वारा प्रकाशन भएको हो । उपन्यासको चित्राङ्कन समित श्रेष्ठबाट भएको हो । यस बालउपन्यासमा ९ वटा भागहरू छन् ।

Aiden Man Nhuchhe Pradhan  - Mar 07 2024

20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA’ is an amazing book written by Jules Verne. It contains ideas about how a man dove 20,000 leagues under the sea in just 10 months. It has a lot of fascinating information about marine life.

उज्ज्वल ढकाल  - Mar 01 2024

चितवन जिल्लाको पटिहानी जङ्गलमा एक जोडी भालु दम्पती थिए । उनीहरूको एउटा काले भालु नाम गरेको छोरो थियो । ऊ धेरै चकचके स्वभावको थियो । आमा बुबाले उसलाई घरबाट निकाल्ने धम्की दिनुभयो । ऊ घर छोडेर गयो ।ऊ सौराहा पुग्यो ।

Eshaan Manandhar  - Feb 23 2024

“Who is Michelle Obama?” by Megan Stine is like a fun story that tells us all about Michelle's life, from the time she was a kid to the time when she became the First Lady. It shows us how she never gave up, and always cared about others. It's a really good book to read and learn about someone who did amazing things!

एरोन सिंह  - Feb 18 2024

गुइँठे र गुलेली बालकथा सङ्ग्रह शाश्वत पराजुलीले लेख्नुभएको हो। यो बालकथा सङ्ग्रह मेला बुक्सले प्रकाशन गरेको हो । यसमा भएका कथाकाे कला उत्तम नेपालकाे हाे । यो बालकथा सङ्ग्रह ज्ञानवर्धक र रमाइलो छ। यी चार कथाले हामीलाई केही न केही सिकाएको छ । यस बालकथा सङ्ग्रहमा बत्तीस पृष्ठ रहेका छन् ।

Jyotsana Tako  - Feb 09 2024

The novel is a meaningful tale about a girl named Radha. Radha, here marrying at an early age, faces her husband's unexpected death.

दिनिशा शिवाकाेटी  - Feb 18 2024

वि.सं.१८४६ सालकाे माघ १७ गते अम्बिका देवीकाे गर्भबाट सरदार चन्द्रवीर कुँवरकाे माइलाे छाेराकाे रुपमा एक बालक जन्मिए । उनकाे नाम बलभद्र कुँवर राखियाे । उनी सानैदेखि सुरा, जुझारू र तीक्ष्ण बुद्धिका थिए । उनले सानैदेखि घरेलु औजार चलाउन सिकिसकेका थिए ।

Manaswi Sapkota  - Feb 18 2024

City of Dreams by Pranaya SJB Rana is a carefully written and collected story compiled into one. Originally published in 2015, this book was Pranaya’s gateway to the writing world as a novelist. Previously he had worked as a journalist and columnist for The Nepali Times and The Kathmandu Post. His debut novel brought him fame, with the book accumulating great reviews and positive feedback from the readers community. With 10 enthralling stories City of Dreams has made an impactful effect on Nepali writing community.

यावत मल्ल  - Feb 02 2024

छलाङ्ग’ दिलिप ढकालद्वारा लिखित एक औपन्यासिक कृति हो । यो पुस्तक एक काल्पनिक उपन्यास मात्र नभएर नेपाली समाजको प्रतिबिम्ब र देशले समता र समृद्धिको वास्तविक छालङ्ग मारोस् भन्ने चाहनाको अभिव्यक्ति हो । चार जात र छत्तीस वर्णमा वर्गीकृत भएका नेपालीहरूमा संस्कृति र परम्पराको हिसाबले धेरै विविधता छ तर भिन्नतासँग, भेदभाव उत्पन्न हुन्छ ।

Eshanee Manandhar  - Jan 26 2024

The title of the novel is “Kim”, an award-winning novel written by the ever famous author, Rudyard Kipling. The genre of this novel is mostly based on adventure fiction, spy fiction, travelling and mystery.

मनश्वी सापकोटा  - Feb 02 2024

शून्यको मूल्य, डा. नवराज केसीले लेखेको एक पुरस्कार विजेता पुस्तक हो। यस पुस्तकको आवरणमा लेखिएको जस्तै सास, साहस स्नेहको कथाहरू यस पुस्तकमा उपस्थित छन्। यो पुस्तकले कर्णाली प्रदेशका महिलाहरूको सङ्घर्षको कुरा गरेको छ । यसको जटिलता र महिलाको राम्रो प्रतिनिधित्वको कारणले उत्कृष्ट शान्ति पुरस्कार जस्ता अवार्डहरू पाएको छ र यसले देशभर ख्याति कमाएको छ । यो पुस्तक गत वर्ष २०७९ मा साङ्ग्रिला बुक्स पब्लिकेशनले मङ्सिरमा प्रकाशित गरेको थियो । यस पुस्तकले पाठकहरूबाट ठूलो सकारात्मक प्रतिक्रिया पाएको छ। मलाई पनि लाग्छ कि यो वर्ष हामीले पढेका सबैभन्दा राम्रो पुस्तक अहिले सम्म यो हो ।

Prashraya Shrestha  - Aug 28 2023

Pride and Prejudice is a novel written by Jane Austen based on the 18th century English countryside. This book discusses marriage and the social dynamic between two families after marriage. This book was an instant hit and sold up to 20 million copies and is regarded as the most critically acclaimed book of Jane Austen.

कीर्ति नेपाल  - Jan 19 2024

“पोल्टाभित्र डिही” पुस्तक लेखक पेशलकुमार लुइटेलद्वारा रचित निकै सुन्दर कविता सङ्ग्रह हो । २०७८ असोजमा पहिलोपल्ट संस्करण भएको यो पुस्तक शिखा बुक्सले प्रकाशित गरेको हो। जम्मा ८३ वटा कविताले रचित यो पद्य कविता सङ्ग्रहमा शार्दुलविक्रीडित, अनुष्टुप, शिखरिणी, उपजाति, वसन्ततिलका, भुजङ्गप्रयात, विधुन्माला, दिक्पाल, मन्दाक्रान्ता, तोटक, स्रग्विणी, स्रग्धरा, इन्दिरा, मालिनी, पञ्चचामर र विधाता छन्द गरेर १६ वटा छन्दका कविताहरू छन।

Manaswi Sapkota  - Jan 12 2024

‘The Truths We Hold: An American Journey’ is a book by Kamala Harris that gives a genuine outlook on the political world. It showcases the struggles of a woman of colour in the political world as well as the “ugly” side of politics. The author of this book is Kamala Harris who is the first South Asian black vice president of the United States. In this book, Harris takes us on a journey where she explains her values, principles, etc and tells us how they helped her be a better person.

मानश्वी सापकाेटा  - Jan 19 2024

"कति धुनु गधाहरूलाई!" लक्ष्मण गम्नागेद्वारा लेखिएको हास्य व्यङ्ग्यको सङ्ग्रह हो । यो पुस्तकले नेपालले सामना गरिरहेको सामाजिक समस्यालाई रमाइलो तरिकाले देखाउन खोजेको छ । यो पुस्तकको मुख्य सार भनेको निबन्धमा आफैले अर्थ खोज्नु हो । यस पुस्तकका लेखक लक्ष्मण गम्नागे लेख्ने धेरै अनुभव भएका व्यक्ति हुन् त्यसैले उनको निबन्ध सङ्ग्रह पढ्न पनि रमाइलो छ । यो पुस्तकमा २८ वटा निबन्धहरू छन् र यी सबै निबन्धहरू रोचक र अर्थयुक्त छन् ।

Sanskriti Karki  - Jul 28 2023

"The White Tiger'' by Aravind Adiga is a powerful and intriguing book that explores the harsh realities of modern India. Adiga's writing shows the unfair social system existing in the country. The protagonist of the book Balram Halwai, a former driver turned entrepreneur,his journey from being a humble driver shows as a powerful metaphor for breaking through from the cycle of the caste system faced by a huge mass indians. T

संविद ढकाल  - Jul 28 2023

प्रस्तुत “लक्ष्य किन बोल्दिन” किशोर उपन्यास आन्विका गिरीले लेख्नुभएको हो । यसमा दीपमाला महर्जनले चित्रद्वारा सजावट गर्नुभएकाे हाे । पुस्तककाे प्रकाशक साङ्ग्रिला बुक्स हो । यसको आवरण टाइम्स क्रियसनबाट संयाेजन भएको हो । यसको पहिलो संस्करण २०७८, फागुनमा भएको हो। यसमा १२ वटाअध्यायहरू छन् र ९३ पानाहरू छन् । मलाई यो पुस्तक निकै मन पर्‍याे । यसमा विद्यालय र घरमा छाेराछाेरीमा हुने लैङ्गिक विभेदकाे चित्रण गरिएकाे छ भने अर्काेतर्फ एक अर्कामा नाम जाेडेर साथीहरूले विद्यालयमा जिस्काउँदा किशाेरकिशाेरीमा देखिएकाे असरकाे चित्रण गरिएकाे छ । विद्यालयजस्ताे पवित्र सरस्वतीकाे मन्दिर विभेदरहित हुनुपर्छ भन्ने सन्देश दिन खाेजिएकाे छ ।

Rushina Tamang  - Jul 21 2023

“The White Tiger” is an incredible piece of literature written by writer Aravind Adiga. First released in 2008, this book has managed to win hearts and minds of many readers in different countries. The book was awarded with 40th Book Prize in 2008 and the New York Times Best Seller award. This book is a retrospective narration of the book’s protagonist, Balram Halwai, a rich businessman of India who was once the son of a poor family. The book talks about the solution to poverty founded by Balram and his experiences with being a part of the unfair division of the rich and the poor.

मुस्कान सिंह  - Feb 02 2024

'एकलव्य' उपन्यास एउटा पौराणिक तथा ऐतिहासिक सन्दर्भमा आधारित उपन्यास हाे । उपन्यासमा हाम्रो पौराणिक महागाथा महाभारतको एउटा पात्रको कथा प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ। एकलव्य अर्थात् त्यो शिष्य जसले आफ्नो गुरुलाई दक्षिणास्वरुप आफ्नो भाग्य दिएको थियो ।

Aavash Malla  - Jul 14 2023

“IKIGAI: The Japanese Secret To A Long and Happy Life” is a Japanese self-help book which was published in 2017. IKIGAI is a mysterious word which has different meanings, it is formed from two Kanji characters: 'iki'「生き」meaning life, and 'gai' 「甲斐」 meaning worth. To make your life worth living is the main objective of this book.

अमु शाक्य  - Jul 14 2023

कति धुनु गधाहरूलाई नामक पुस्तक लक्ष्मण गाम्नागेद्वारा लिखित हाँस्यव्यङ्ग्य निबन्ध सङ्ग्रहको पुस्तक हो । यस पुस्तकलवई मञ्जरी पब्लिकेशन द्वारा प्रकाशित गरिएको हो । यसको आवरण सज्जा टाइम्स क्रियेशनद्वारा बनाइएको हो र आवरण चित्र दीपक गौतमद्वारा बनाइएको हो । यस पुस्तकको कृति स्वामित्व अर्थात् सर्वाधिकार लेखकमा रहेको छ । यस निबन्ध सङ्ग्रहमा २८ पाठ रहेका छन् भने १३६ पृष्ठहरू रहेका छन् । यस पुस्तकको भाषाशैली व्यङ्गात्मक रहेको छ ।

Suprabh Acharya  - Jul 07 2023

“The Truths We Hold” is an autobiography written by Kamala Harris. She is the first Black and South Asian American nominated for vice president of the US and only the third woman. She was born in California on October 20, 1964. Her parents were immigrants from India and Jamaica. Kamala Harris served as the first woman district attorney in US history. She went on to minimise crimes, implemented LGBTQ+ rights and brought policies on racial justice in the United States.

प्रसिद्धि डङ्गाेल  - Jul 07 2023

‘उपहार रहस्य’ कथाका यसका रचनाकार कृष्णदीप सिग्देल हुन् । यसमा आकर्षक चित्रहरू समित श्रेष्ठले बनाएका हुन् । यो पुस्तक मुख्यतः एउटा सानो केटा र उसकी दिदीको बारेमा रहेकाे छ जसले एउटा अनौठो पुस्तकको बारेमा खोजी गर्दछ तर उनीहरूले त्यो कोबाट आएको होला भनेर भेट्टाउछन् कि भेठ्टाउँदैनन् ? यो एक धेरै चाखलाग्दो पुस्तक हो र प्रत्येक अध्याय सकिएपछि के हुन्छ होला जान्ने इच्छा निरन्तर लागिरहन्छ र अझैँ पढुूँ पढूँ लाग्छ । पुस्तक छोटो भएता पनि यसको पूर्ण कथानक छ र यसको अन्त्यमा हामी एउटा कुराकानी पनि पढ्न सक्छौँ । यस पुस्तकका लेखक र पात्रहरूले हामीलाई यस किताबको बारेमा अझ स्पष्ट र सही रूपमा ज्ञान पाउन मद्दत गर्दछन् ।

Aayusi Shrestha  - Jul 04 2023

The novel ‘The Murder of Roger Ackroyd’ was written by an author named Agatha Christie. The first edition of this book came out in 1926 and was published by William Collins. This novel was published just 8 years after the world war. This book has received a lot of awards. This work of fiction is written in the first-person perspective and remains Agatha Christie's most popular and controversial novel. The story revolves around Dr. James Sheppard, a local physician living with his sister in King's Abbot, London. Driven by a fascination with mysterious suicides and murders, Sheppard becomes entangled in a confusing murder case.

प्रनिश खनाल  - Jul 04 2023

‘परेवा र बाज’ नामक कविता सङ्ग्रह, लेखक वासुदेव पाण्डेय हुन् । यो पुस्तक पहिलो पटक २०७८ वर्षमा प्रकाशित भएको थियो । यो कविता सङ्ग्रहको प्रकाशक साझा प्रकाशन हो । सङ्ग्रहमा कविले राष्ट्रियता, सामाजिकता, सांस्कृतिक, धार्मिक, आध्यात्मिकता, प्राकृतिक र मानवीय विषयहरूमा कविताहरू लेखेका छन् । सङ्ग्रहमा ६० कविताहरू विभिन्न छन्दहरूमा रचिएका छन् ।

Suvani Karki  - Jun 23 2023

Bridge to terabithia is not just a book but a book that expresses the emotion of friendship. An emotion of losing someone you really care for. An emotion of love. It is an adventure of seeking real friendship. And they find one. This is a story of two friends. Jess and Leslie. They are enough, also they have enough. They have their own world where Jess is the King and Leslie is the Queen.

मन्दिपलाल जाेशी  - Jun 23 2023

तथापि एउटा ऐतिहासिक निबन्ध सङ्ग्रह हो, जसका लेखक साहित्यकार शीतल गिरी हुन् । यो पुस्तक बि.स. २०७७ मा प्रकाशन भएको थियो । यस पुस्तकको प्रकाशक ओरिएन्टल पब्लिकेसनले गरेकाे हो। निबन्ध सङ्ग्रहमा कुल १३ ओटा फरक फरक शीर्षकमा रचना गरिएका छन् । शीर्षक फरक भए पनि एकअर्कामा अन्तर्निहित चाहिँ छन् ।

Aayusi Shrestha  - Jun 19 2023

was initially published on October 2, 2012. Son is the fourth book in Lois Lowry's, “The Giver Quartet”. Son follows the journey of Claire, a young girl who is trying to find her son, who has been taken away from her. This novel has been divided into three parts: Book I, Book II, and Book III. The events in all three books take place over a fifteen-year span in very different places.

सुप्रभ आचार्य  - Jun 19 2023

‘अर्काे भाेर’ कथाकार केशवराज ज्ञवालीद्वारा लेखिएकाे उत्कृष्ट कथा सङ्ग्रह हाे । २२७ पृष्ठकाे यस कथासङ्ग्रहमा रङ्गभेद, वर्गीय विभेद, जातीय विभेद, वैदेशिक राेजगार, विपत्तिमा आइपर्ने दुःख, महिला हिंसा, भ्रुण हत्या, लैङ्गिक भेदभाव, पर्यावरणीय न्याय, युवा अवस्थामा हुने प्रेम, परिवारकाे विछाेड हुँदाकाे पीडा, माओवादी द्वन्द, बहुविवाह आादि जस्ता समाजिक समस्या समेटिएका १४ वटा कथाहरू सङ्गृहीत छन् ।

मीमांसा आचार्य  - Jun 12 2023

कृष्ण धरावासीद्वारा लिखित राधा उपन्यास २०६२ सालमा साझा प्रकाशनद्वारा प्रकाशित एक लीला लेखन हो । यस उपन्यासमा पौराणिक विषयवस्तुलाई आधुनिक चश्माले हेर्ने प्रयास गरिएको छ। यस उपन्यासले २०६३ सालको मदनपुरस्कार प्राप्त गरेको थियाे । उपन्यासमा कृष्ण, सूर्यजस्ता दैविक पात्रलाई कथामा सामान्य व्यक्तित्वको रूपमा लिइएको छ। पुराणहरूमा बिचमा छोडी राम्रोसित पनि उल्लेख नगरिएकी राधाको लेखकले यस उपन्यासमा उसको जन्म, बालापन र यौवन एवम् मनोविज्ञानलाई प्रस्तुत गर्दै राधाको आत्मकथा लेखेका छन् । अरु थुप्रै इतिहासमा दबिएका, हेपिएका, उल्लेख नगरिएका तर महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका रहेका नारी पात्र जस्तै यशोदा, कलावती, रुक्मिणी, द्राैपदी, एकनंशाको कथा र उनीहरूको मनोविज्ञान, तपस्या, त्याग, समर्पणलाई उपन्यासमा देखाइएको छ । यो उपन्यास पाँच अध्यायमा विभाजित छ ।

Pranjal Khatiwada  - Jun 12 2023

Viktor Frankl was an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, and Holocaust survivor. He is best known for his work as the founder of logotherapy. Frankl was born in 1905 in Vienna, Austria, and began studying medicine at the University of Vienna in 1923. After completing his medical training, he worked as a resident in neurology and psychiatry. Frankl was arrested by the Gestapo in 1942 and was sent to Auschwitz, where he spent three years in a concentration camp.

Sanjay Puri  - May 31 2023

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is Douglas Noel Adams' (11 March 1952–11 May 2001) best-known work as an author and screenwriter in England. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which began as a BBC radio comedy in 1978, eventually expanded into a "trilogy" of five volumes and more than 15 million copies were sold throughout his lifetime. Additional adaptations included a television series, many theatrical productions, comic books, a video game, and a 2005 feature film. The Broadcasting Academy's Hall of Fame recognizes Adams' service to UK radio.

Aadhya Shri Poudel  - May 22 2023

The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark is a book that tells the story of a young barn owl called Plop who is afraid of darkness. It has a heart touching story that motivates the reader to overcome fears and embrace them. It gives a positive message to the readers.

प्रत्युष लोहनी  - May 22 2023

पुरन लौकी टिप्नलाई काँधमा गम्छा हालेर बारीतिर जान्छ । कुन चाहिँ टिपौं भनेर लौकीको बोटमा हेरेर सोचिरहँदा स्वाँ स्वाँ फूँ गर्दै निकै कडा आवाज आइरहेको सुन्छ । फर्किएर हेर्दा फणा फैलाइरहेका दुईवटा गोमनलाई देख्छ र डराएर घरतिर दौडन्छ । घर गएर उसले माईलाई सबै कुरा सुनाउँछ । पुरनले गम्छा बाटोमै छोडेर गएको हुन्छ । माई र पुरन लठ्ठी लिएर बारीमा जाँदा सर्पहरू गम्छामा बेरिदै थिए । माईले पुरनलाई तराईको बाटोमा सतर्क भएर हिड्नुपर्छ भनेर सम्झाउँछिन् ।

Mandip Lal Joshi  - May 12 2023

Man’s Search For Meaning is Viktor E. Frankl’s book where he has documented his experience as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camp during World War II. He endured three years in Auschwitz, Dachau, and other concentration camps during World War II. Up until his passing in 1997, Viktor E. Frankl was a professor of neurology and psychiatry at the University of Vienna Medical School. Man’s Search For Meaning was first published in 1946 in German Language. It is one of the great books of our time.

परिमल प्रकाश नेपाल  - May 12 2023

सानो हुँदा पत्रिकामा फोटो छापिने रहरले लेख्न थालेका रोशन पोख्रेल अहिले ठुला उपन्यासकार भैसकेका छन् । उनले यो एकलव्य नामक किताब लेख्नु अघि धेरै अध्ययन गरेका छन् भन्ने जानकारी किताब पढेरै थाहा पाइन्छ । एकलव्य महाभारतकालीन समयका एक विख्यात पौराणिक पात्र हुन् । तत्कालीन समयमा कथित तल्लो जातिका मानिएका उनी आफ्नै लगन र परिश्रमको बलमा एक प्रख्यात धनुर्धर मात्र बनेनन् तर उदाहरणीय चेलाका रुपमा ख्यातिसमेत कमाए ।

Shuvee Lamichhane  - May 08 2023

Last year, I got the chance to read the book ‘Why the Whales Came’. The book was given to me by my teacher for our monthly reading book for the English language category for the month of Mangsir. The book was written by Michael Morpurgo and it is about friendship, courage, and the importance of facing fear. It has a good length, and I found it very easy to understand.

संविद ढकाल  - May 08 2023

कविता पराजुलीले लेख्नुभएको प्रस्तुत भ्यागुताको योग एक कथासंग्रह हो। यसमा चित्र भर्ने काम अविन श्रेष्ठबाट भएको हो । यस कथाका सम्पादक कार्तिकेय घिमिरे हुन् । यस किताबको लेआउट रस्मी खागीबाट भएको हो र यो कथा सङ्ग्रह बालसाहित्य प्रतिष्ठान नेपालबाट भएको हो। कथासङ्ग्रहमा ११वटा कथाहरू छन् भने ६८ पृष्ठहरू छन्।

Sauharda Bajracharya  - May 01 2023

The book ‘Three Cups of Tea’ by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin tells the story of mountaineer Greg Mortenson, who unsuccessfully attempted to climb K2, one of the world’s most dangerous mountains. He tells us how his failed attempt to climb the mountain led him to a small destitute village in Korphe, Pakistan. There, he passed out due to exhaustion and sleep deprivation.

Arya Chhetry  - Mar 24 2023

Lyddie is a historical fiction novel by Katherine Paterson that is set in the mid-19th century. Katherine Paterson is an acclaimed American author known for her young adult novels, including the Newbery Medal-winning books Bridge to Terabithia and Jacob Have I Loved.

राज मानन्धर  - Mar 24 2023

यो कथामा एउटा भँगेराको जोडी थियो । त्यो जोडीमा कहिले पनि बाझाबाझ हुँदैन थियो। अरु चराहरूको झगडा हुँदा त्यही भँगेराको जोडीले सम्झाउन जान्थे। एकदिन भँगेरी गर्भवती भइन् । भँगेरी गर्भवती भएको कारण भँगेराले भँगेरीलाई केही कामहरू नगर्नु र आराम मात्र गर्न लगाउथ्यो । एकदिन भँगेराका बच्चाहरू ठुला भएपछि भँगेरीले "हाम्रो बच्चाहरूलाई गाजल ल्याइदिनुन्" भनेर भन्छे ।

Shuvee Lamichhane  - Mar 20 2023

This month we got the chance to read one of the great illustrated classics, "Little Women" by Louise May Alcott. She is an American novelist. This book was given to me and my classmates as the reading book for the English category for the month of March. We read the short version of the book. However, if I get the time, I am interested in reading the original version too.

सुप्रभ आचार्य  - Mar 20 2023

हजुरआमाकाे लाैराे पुस्तक बाल उपन्यास हाे । यसलाई साहित्यकार रामदेव पाण्डेले लेखेका हुन् । यस पुस्तकमा लेखकले बालमनाेविज्ञान र आधुनिक बाबुआमाकाे मनाेविज्ञानलाई केलाएका छन् । यस उपन्यासमा पाण्डेले अहिलेका आधुनिक बन्न खाेज्ने बाबुआमाले परिवारका सदस्यहरू जस्तै छाेराछाेरी र वृद्ध बाबुआमालाई आफ्नाे जीवनकाे बाेझ मानेर उनीहरूबाट टाढा रहन छाेराछाेरीलाई हाेस्टेल राख्ने र आमाबुबालाई वृद्धाश्रम पठाउने कुसंस्कार माथि व्यङ्ग्य गरेका छन् ।

Shubham Rimal  - Mar 10 2023

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the last of the human freedoms–to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

प्रनिशा श्रेष्ठ  - Mar 10 2023

पहरेदार सिन्का र भोरा कथाका लेखक यशु श्रेष्ठ हुन् । याे कथा सङ्ग्रह परिचय पब्लिकेसनले प्रकाशन गरेकाे हाे ।एक दिन तीनजना विद्यार्थीहरू विद्यालय गइरहेका थिए । उनीहरूकाे नाम कमल, सानुभाइ र बुनू थियो । उनीहरू विद्यालय गइरहेको बेला कमल दिसामा चिप्लिन्छ । सानुभाइले कमललाई धारामा हिँड भन्यो । धारातिर जाने बेला उनीहरूले एउटी सानी नानी रोइरहेको देखे । बुनूले रोइरहेको सानी नानीलाई फकाउन थाल्छिन् ।

Prasanna Dhungel  - Mar 08 2023

This is a fantasy book written by Ray Bradbury which is mysterious in its own way. It contains a futuristic environment with interacting tvs and radio and the most important of all, firemen. Not just normal firemen, the persons who are supposed to extinguish the firemen actually put things on fire because apparently, books are banned in this futuristic civilization. This book covers up the perspective of a fireman named Guy Montag.

रूसिना तामाङ  - Mar 07 2023

साहित्यकार महेश पौड्यालद्वारा लिखित ‘अपरिचित अनुहार’ एउटा कथासङ्ग्रह हो । यो किताब शिखा बुक्सबाट प्रकाशित भएको थियो। यस पुस्तकमा १८ एउटा कथाहरू छन् । हरेक कथा एकदमै राम्रो विषयवस्तु ल्याएर लेखिएको छ । किताबको पहिलो संस्करण भाद्र, २०७८ मा भएको थियो र दोस्रो संस्करण फागुन २०७८ मा भएको थियो । किताब एकदमै सजिलोसित बुज्न सकपने भाषाशैली प्रयोग गरेर लेखिएकाे छ । र कतै कतै मात्र जटिल शब्दहरूको प्रयोग गरिएको छ । तर कथाहरू बुझ्न गारो छैन । हरेक कथाले छुट्टै सन्दर्भमा छुट्टै कथावस्तु ल्याएका पनि छन् ।

Pranjal Khatiwada  - Feb 28 2023

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a classic science fiction novel by Douglas Adams. Originally released as a radio serial in 1978, the book follows the journey of a common man across the universe, encountering a variety of odd and interesting characters, worlds, and situations. Adams’s absurd and wry humor in the science fiction genre serves to both entertain and make the reader think about the world around them.

राधारानी सेन  - Feb 28 2023

वीर बलभद्र भन्ने पुस्तक राेशन पाेखरेलले लेख्नुभएकाे हाे । पुस्तकको चित्राङ्कनकर्ता धूर्व प्रजापती हुनुहुन्छ । पुस्तककाे प्रकाशन कथालयले गरेकाे हाे ।

Prasiddhi Dangol  - Feb 20 2023

This book is written by Roald Dahl and illustrated by Quentin Blake and was published on October 1, 1988, but it was only 2 years before Roald Dahl’s death making it one of his last few books.The genre of this book is completely fiction and is based on the author’s imagination.

आराेहण तिम्सिना  - Feb 20 2023

‘बास्ना आउने बासुरी’ पुस्तक एक बालउपन्यास हो । यो पुस्तकका लेखक रोशन पोखरेल हुन् र चित्रहरू दुजमान चित्रकारले बनाएका हुन् । यो पुस्तकको सम्पादन कृष्णदीप सिग्देलले गरेका हुन् । यो पुस्तकको पेज डिजाइन समान श्रेष्ठले गरेका हुन् । यो पुस्तकको प्रकाशन साङ्ग्रिला पुस्तक प्रा.लि. ले गरेको हो । यो पुस्तकको मुद्रण सौगात प्रिन्ट्स प्रा.लि. ले गरेको हो । नेपाली समाजकाे निम्नवर्गीय पारिवारिक समस्यालार्इ यस उपन्यासले चित्रण गरेकाे छ ।

Aarav BC  - Feb 13 2023

The book starts with an incident. Harald (Dahl’s father) breaks his arm; they take him to the doctor. However, the doctor was drunk and mistook the injury for a dislocated shoulder. While trying to relocate it, the arm became beyond repair. Harald had two wives.

सुनबी पोखरेल  - Feb 13 2023

‘एकलव्य’ रोशन पोखरेलद्वारा लिखित एक प्रेरक लघु उपन्यास हो । रोशन पोखरेल जसले किशोरावस्थाका बालबालिकाका लागि पुस्तकहरू लेख्छन् । एकलव्य उपन्यास वहाँको एक प्रसिद्ध उपन्यासहरू मध्ये एक हो । एकलव्य उपन्यासले पौराणिक कथालाई समेटेको छ । उपन्यास द्वापर युगको अभिदुयम्न अर्थात अभय पात्रको जीवन कथा वरिपरि घुम्छ । जीवन कथा मात्र नभएर यो एक परिश्रम, त्याग र समर्पणले लक्ष्य प्राप्तिका लागि गरेको सङ्घर्षको इतिहासको कथा पनि हो । यस पुस्तकले एउटा कथालाई मात्र नसमेटेर समाजमा देखि आएका थुप्रै समस्याहरूलाई पनि समेटेको छ ।

Tanishq Shakya  - Feb 03 2023

The book ‘The Boggart’ is written by Susan Cooper and was published in 1993. This book is a fantasy story about a creature named Boggart who is a person but not a human and also is not a ghost, it is a spirit. Boggart is a creature who is a very mischievous spirit and who plays many pranks on people using its magic. He lived with MacDevon but after he died, Boggart was brought unknowingly to Volnik's house.

संविद ढकाल  - Feb 03 2023

प्रस्तुत मिस्टर गौरव कथा राेशन पोख्रेलले लेख्नुभएको हो । ऊहाँका धेरै रचनाहरूमा यो सबैभन्दा रमाइलो ऊपन्यास हो । यस ऊपन्यासका चित्रकार दुजमान चित्रकार हुनुहुन्छ । यसको प्रकाशन काठमाडौँ पब्लिकेसनबाट भएको हो । यसको संस्करण दुईचोटि भैसक्यो । पहिलोपटक २०७४ मा भएको थियो भने दोस्रोपटक २०७६ मा भएको थियो । यसको सम्पादन कविता भन्ने संस्थाबाट भएको हो । यसमा जम्मा ८ वटा भागहरू रहेका छन् । त्यसैगरी यसमा ७९ वटा पानाहरू छन् ।

Eshita Lal  - Feb 02 2023

This book is an autobiographical memorial to the writer herself. It was written by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi. This book was originally published in 1981 and became an instant bestseller in Japan. This book was actually written by the writer to motivate children who do not like going to school, so she chose to write her own life story. It all started as articles and later as a book, but who knew this book would become the best-selling book in "Japan History"? It's about a girl named Totto-chan who was expelled from her school for disrupting the class and being too talkative. She went to a new school, and it changed everything.

शुभी लामिछाने  - Feb 02 2023

‘बास्ना आउने बासुरी’ एक बाल उपन्यास हो । यो बाल उपन्यासका लेखक रोशन पोखरेल हुन् भने यसमा चित्र भर्ने काम दुजमान चित्रकारले गरेका हुन् । यो बाल उपन्यासका सम्पादक कृष्णदीप सिग्देल हुन् । यो पुस्तकको पेज डिजाइन समान श्रेष्ठले गरेका हुन् । यस पुस्तकको प्रकाशन साङ्ग्रिला पुस्तक प्रा.लि. ले गरेको हो । यस पुस्तकको मुद्रण सौगात प्रिन्ट्स प्रा.लि.ले गरेको हो ।

Eshita Lal  - Jan 20 2023

Madeleine L’Engle wrote this book. It is a Disney production. It is a fictional story of a girl’s adventure to save her father. Meg Murry is our protagonist here. Other important characters include Charles, Calvin, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Who, Mrs. Which.

श्रीसद शिवाकोटी  - Jan 20 2023

सुरुङको बाटो ब्रजेश खनालद्वारा लिखित एक बाल उपन्यास हो । उपन्यासमा तीन जना साहसी बालकहरूले गरेको भ्रमण र खोजको बारेमा छ । ब्रजेश खनाल एक अभिनेता एवम् साहित्यकार पनि हुन् । यो बाहेक उनको अरु पुस्तक यायावर, जुनेली र साइड हिरो पनि प्रकाशित भइसकेका छन् । सुरुङको बाटो चाहिँ उनले बालबालिकाहरूको लागि लेखेकाे पुस्तक हो । पुस्तकमा चित्रहरू देवेन्द्र पाण्डेले बनाउनुभएकाे छ । परिचय पब्लिकेसनकाे प्रकाशन गरेकाे छ ।

Sauharda Bajracharya  - Jan 13 2023

Hope was a teenager who was 14 at the time was living with her aunt Addie. One of the many themes of this book is abandonment. When Hope was born, doctors had said that she had little chance of surviving. But when Hope survived, Hope’s mother, Deena, didn't want to take care of Hope. Hence, Deena left Hope with her sister, Addie. Such incidents can also be seen in the real world. Some parents abandon their children when they can not take the responsibility of raising them.

सुप्रभ आचार्य  - Jan 13 2023

आमाले सक्नुहुन्छ पुस्तक कथाकार अन्विका गिरीद्वारा लिखित बालमनाेविज्ञानमा आधारित पुस्तक हाे । उनकाअनुसार याे पुस्तक तयार पार्न उनलाई उनकी छाेरी अवनी गिरीकाे सहयाेग रहेकाे छ । साङ्ग्रिला पुस्तक प्रा.लि. द्वारा प्रकाशित याे पुस्तकमा बालबालिकाले जीवनका समस्याहरू र भाेगाइहरूलाई कसरी निहालिरहेका हुन्छन् । आफ्ना आमाबुबाकाे कामलाई कसरी सहयाेग गर्न सक्छन् भन्ने कुरालाई जीवनकाे दैनिक भाेगाइका माध्यमबाट व्यक्त गर्न खाेजिएकाे छ ।

Snigdha Chaudhary  - Dec 23 2022

Last month we read the book, ‘’Katherine Johnson’. The book is written by Ebony Joy Wilkins and illustrated by Charlotte Ager. It has about 128 pages and 12 chapters. It talks about Katherine Johnson’s life as an African-american girl who stood strong even though she was discriminated against.

‘याङ्ग्रा’  - Dec 23 2022

‘गोल्ड मेडल’ बाल उपन्यासका लेखक हरिlवंश आचार्य हुन् । यस पुस्तकमा रहेका चित्रहरू समित श्रेष्ठले बनाएका हुन् । यो पुस्तक सानेको मेडल पाउने र बुबा विमारी भएकाले उसले गरेको प्रगति यस किताबमा जनाइएको छ । किताबको प्रकाशन काटमान्डु पब्लिकेशन गरेकाे हाे । यो किताब बालबालिकाले पढ्ने सामान्य पुस्तक हो ।

Eshita Lal  - Dec 16 2022

The author who wrote this beautiful book was Margarita Engle. It was published on March 31, 2009. This book “Tropical Secrets” is a book /novel on verse. The main protagonists are Daniel, Paloma and David according to the book. Daniel who is a Jew has escaped Nazi Germany. He has only one desperate dream running through his head to reunite with his parents again. His main aim was NewYork but unfortunately he landed in Cuba. As the book proceeds the young refugee meets a girl and an old man with their own painful secrets.

साैहार्द बज्राचार्य  - Dec 16 2022

‘एकलव्य’ रोशन पोखरेलद्वारा लिखित एक पाैराणिक उपन्यास हो । काठमाडौँ पब्लिकेसनले प्रकाशन गरेको यो पुस्तकको पहिलो संस्करण वि.सं. २०७६, दोस्रो संस्करण वि.सं. २०७७ र अन्तिम संस्करण वि.सं. २०७८ मा भएको थियो । यो पुस्तकमा एकलव्य (द्वापर युगका एक विख्यात पौराणिक पात्र) ले धनुर्विद्या सिक्न गरेकाे सङ्घर्ष र धनुर्धारी बनेपछिको उनको यात्रा बारेमा छोटकरीमा लेखिएको छ ।

Niharika Chapagain  - Dec 09 2022

‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ is a novel for children which was published in 1964 by British author Roald Dahl and till now there are two versions of movies for this book. Roald Dahl is known for his children’s book and to write this book, Dahl was inspired by his experience of chocolate companies way back then, during his schooldays.

सम्भाव्य पाण्डे  - Dec 09 2022

पृथ्वीयुग एउटा महाकाव्य हो । महाकाव्यका रचनाकार भक्तबहादुर नेपाली हुनुहुन्छ । पुस्तकलाई गन्तव्य प्रकाशन काठमाडौंले प्राकशन गरेको हो । यो पुस्तक प्रकाशन वर्ष २०७४ पौषमा भएको हो । यसको आवरण मेधावी पन्डितले गर्नु भएको हो ।

Pratik Karn  - Dec 02 2022

Last month, I read the Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling. The story was mostly about Mowgli, an Indian boy who is raised by wolves and learns self-reliance and wisdom from the jungle animals. The book describes the social life of a wolf pack and, in a more visionary way.

तनिष्क शाक्य  - Dec 02 2022

‘हजुरआमाको लौरो’ नेपाली बाल उपन्यास हो । यो उपन्यास रामदेव पाण्डेले लेख्नुभएको हो । यसकाे सम्पादन गर्ने काम डा. देवी नेपालले गर्नुभएको हो र ग्राफिक्स लेआउटका काम दीपक सुनारले गर्नुभएको हो । कथामा चित्र राजकुमार प्रजापतिले काेरेका हुन् । पुस्तक ऐरावती प्रकाशन प्रा.लि.ले प्रकाशन गरेको हो ।

Aarya Chhetry  - Nov 25 2022

The book is written by Anne Frank herself and was edited by her father. We can’t quite call it a book as it was just a diary that was presented as a book. In her diary which she received for her birthday, Anne Frank writes about her life during the period of the second world war. She and her family being Jews needed to escape Hitler and the Nazi forces to avoid being part of the Holocaust.

सौहार्द बज्राचार्य  - Nov 25 2022

‘नजुरेको जोडी’ कथा माया ठकुरीद्वारा रचित कथासङ्ग्रहको पुस्तक हो। यो पुस्तक वनिता प्रकाशनले प्रकाशन गरेको हो । यो पुस्तकको पहिलो संस्करण वि.स. २०३० मा र दोस्रो संस्करण वि.स. २०६२ मा प्रकाशितभएको थियो । यो पुस्तकमा एघारवटा कथाहरू सङ्ग्रहित छन् । ती कथाहरूमा: ‘नजुरेको जोडी’, ‘उज्यालोतिर’, ‘देवता’, ‘मूक प्रेम’, ‘विवशता, ‘गहना’, ‘स्मृति’, ‘नारी हृदय’, ‘अनरेरियम’, ‘प्रतिफल’ र ‘पेन फ्रेण्ड’ रहेका छन् ।

Manaswi Sapkota  - Nov 17 2022

“Hope was here” is written by Joan Bauer. Joan Bauer usually writes her books based on themes. She writes about teenagers dealing with different issues such as abandonment issues, alcoholism, addiction, illness, etc. Her books are hugely associated with quotes and need more of an analytic perspective.

इशानी मानन्धर  - Nov 17 2022

खलङ्गामा हमला भन्ने पुस्तक राधा पौडेलकाे आफ्नाे भाेगाइकाे डायरी हो । याे डायरी नेपाल प्रकाशनले प्रकाशित गरेको हो भने यो पुस्तकको आवरण चित्र मोहन मैनालीले कोरेका हुन् । पुस्तकमा ८ अध्याय छन् । यो डायरी पहिलो पटक सन् २०१३ मा प्रकाशित भएको थियो र त्यसपछि फेरि सन् २०१४ मा प्रकाशित भएको थियो । यो पुस्तकले मदन पुरस्कार पनि प्राप्त गरेकाे थियाे

Rhiten Giri  - Nov 11 2022

This story takes place in Quba and the Gulf of Mexico.The book is about an old fisherman named Santiago.The book starts with an old man on his boat who did not catch a fish for 84 days. He also has a helper named Marolin. But his parents had forced him to find another master because he was with a person who had not caught a fish for 84 days.

अनुश्री आचार्च  - Nov 10 2022

यस पुस्तक यार्चा एक बालकथा हो । यार्चा पुस्तकका लेखक अनन्त वाग्ले हुन् । यस पुस्तकमा रहेका सुन्दर, आकर्षक र धेरै कुरा बुझाउने चित्रहरू चित्रकार कृष्णगोपाल श्रेष्ठले काेरेका हुन् । यस पुस्तकलाई प्रकाशक काठमाडौ पब्लिकेशन गरेकाे हाे ।

Jiya Sapkota  - Oct 31 2022

As the book starts, it immediately introduces us to poverty. Lakshmi is a 13 year old girl who has been living with her mother, step father and her little brother. The starting of the book shares about how Lakshmi’s life would’ve been if her step father did not gamble. No matter how much the poverty had stricken them, Lakshmi had always wished to become a bright and a hard working girl.

संविद ढकाल  - Oct 31 2022

प्रस्तुत पायल पढ्न जान्छे एउटा किशोर उपन्यास हो । यसलाई अन्विका गिरीले लेख्नुभएको हो। याे पुस्तक साङ्ग्रिला पुस्तक प्रा.लिद्वारा प्रकाशन भएको हो। उपन्यासको चित्राङ्कन डुडल आर्ट्स् नेपाः प्रा.लिबाट भएको छ । यस बालउपन्यासमा १४ वटा भागहरू छन् । यो उपन्यासले पहिलो भागबाटै सन्देश दिन शुरु गरेको छ । यो उपन्यास कतै रमाइलो तथा नरमाइलो छ । यो उपन्यासमा भएको कथाको बिचमा धेरै कुराले मेरो मन निकै भावुक बनाएको छ । यस उपन्यास मलाई निकै मन पर्‍याे ।

Aayusi Shrestha  - Oct 21 2022

Son is a young adult fiction novel written by a well-known American novelist, Lois Lowry. This novel was initially published on October 2, 2012. Son is the fourth book in Lois Lowry's ‘The Giver Quartet’. Son follows the journey of Claire, a young girl who is trying to find her son, who has been taken away from her.

रचित भट्टराई  - Oct 21 2022

‘साझा पृथ्वी’ भन्ने कथाभित्र रहेको ‘हात्तीको अभिवादन’ भन्ने कथा धेरै राम्रो कथा हो । यस कथामा जनावरहरूले पनि अभिवादन गर्न सक्छन् भन्ने कुरा प्रस्तुत गरिएकाे छ । यस पुस्तकका लेखक मदनकृष्ण श्रेष्ठ हुनुहुन्छ ।

इसानी मानन्धर  - Oct 14 2022

“रोल नम्बर १” एउटा नेपाली बाल संस्मरण हो जुन लेखक राधा पौडेलले लेख्नुभएको हो । पुस्तकका सम्पादक कृषदीप सिग्देल हुन् भने यस संस्मरण सांग्रिला पुस्तक प्रालिले प्रकाशित गरेको हो । यस पुस्तकमा १३ अध्यायहरू छन् । यो संस्मरण २०७८ भाद्र महिनामा प्रकाशित भएको थियो ।

Rushav Paneru  - Oct 14 2022

Song of the Soil is set in bucolic Kalimpong, a small town in the Himalayan foothills of West Bengal, against the background of a revolution for the individual state of Gorkhaland within the Indian union. This book brings back the story of the Revolution for the separate state of Gorkhaland in the late 1980’s. The beating heart of her majesty Darjeeling a.k.a Queen of the hills carries the life of people who died for their land. Truly the Song of the Soil deserves to be sung and to be listened to.

प्रतीक डङ्गाेल  - Sep 16 2022

अमूल्य उपहार कथा सङ्ग्रह विजय चालिसे र जनकप्रसाद हुमागाईले लेखेका हुन। कथा सङ्ग्रहमा चित्रहरू बनाउने काम श्रीहरी श्रेष्ठले गरेको हुन् । यो पुस्तक नेपाल सरकार, शिक्षा मन्त्रालय, पाठ्क्रम विकास केन्द्रले प्रकाशन भएको हाे । कथा सङ्ग्रहमा दसवटा रमाइला रमाइला बाल कथाहरू छ्न् ।

Krishma Thapa  - Sep 15 2022

The story begins with Drishya an artist.He was visiting goa. He found Palpasa there. Palpasa always admired Drishya even though she never met him. Drishya published a book with all his art. People really admired it but the face behind the art was hidden.They met at a restaurant during new year time. It was a complete chaos.They decided to meet again in kathmandu. Drishya returned to Nepal. He started living on his own but one day it made the whole Nepal turned into a mess.The Royal Family were shot.

Kriti Nepal  - Sep 15 2022

The story is about Wahoo Cray; a teen whose father; Mickey Cray, is a professional animal wrangler who has been out of action after a dead Iguana had hit him in the head leaving him with blurry vision and headaches. Since the Cray’s weren’t well financially, Wahoo’s mother; Susan, had been working in China.

आराेहण तिमिल्सिना  - Sep 09 2022

‘कालोपाटी’ भन्ने बाल उपन्यासका लेखक कपिलमणि ज्ञवाली हुन् । यस बाल उपन्यासमा सुन्दर चित्रहरू बनाउने काम समित श्रेष्ठ गरेका हुन् । यस पुस्तकको लेआउट शितल सुकुभटुले गरेका हुन् । यस पुस्तकको प्रकाशक एडुकेशनल पब्लिसिङ्ग हाउस हो ।

साश्वत पौडेल  - Sep 05 2022

Messenger is a novel written by Louis Lowry. This book is the third installment of the “Giver” quartet. Written by Louis Lowry in 2004, it was nominated in the 2008 Young Hoosier Book Award. Messenger takes place 8 years after the events of Giver and six years after the events of Gathering Blues.

दीवा श्रेष्ठ  - Sep 02 2022

‘यार्चा’ शीर्षककाे बाल उपन्यास काठमाडौँ पब्लिकेशनले प्रकाशन गरेकाे हाे । यस पुस्तकका लेखक अनन्त वाग्ले हुन् । यस पुस्तकका चित्रकार कृष्णगोपाल श्रेष्ठ हुन् । याे पुस्तककाे आवरण चित्र रङ्गीन छ भने प्रत्येक कथामा चित्रहरू श्यामश्वेत छन् । याे पुस्तकमा जम्मा ९९ पृष्ठ रहेका छन् ।

Kriti Nepal  - Aug 26 2022

The story is about the protagonist; Sara Louise Bradshaw, who's always hidden behind the shadow of her beautiful and naturally gifted singer twin; Caroline. It is shown how Louise, being the older twin by a few minutes, had treasured only those minutes as that was the only time she was the center of everyone's attention and Caroline soon snatched that for herself.

प्रसिद्धी डङ्गाेल  - Aug 24 2022

यस पुस्तकको नाम प्रसिद्ध पाँच एक अनुदित बालउपन्यास हाे । यसलाई एनिड ब्लाइटनले लेखेका हुन् । यस पुस्तकलाई जयप्रसाद लम्सालले अङ्ग्रेजीबाट नेपालीमा अनुवाद गरेका हुन् । यो पुस्तक कथालयले प्रकाशन गरेको हो र यसको गाता लौरा एलेन एन्डरसनले बनाएका हुन् । यो पुस्तक पहिलो पटक २०१६ मा प्रकाशित भएको थियो । यस पुस्तकका सम्पादक गणेशप्रसाद भट्टराई हुन् ।

Safal Gautam  - Aug 16 2022

And the Mountains Echoed is a historical fiction and drama written by one of the famous diasporic writers Khaled Hosseini. This book disseminates the relation between two sibling brothers and sisters. This novel is divided into 9 different chapters and is told by different characters. It was published in 2013 by a publication called ‘Riverhead Books’. This is the third novel by Hosseini. All the characters have their own way of telling the stories, as the plotline is set in Afghanistan it revolves around the war and the political scenario along with the hardships of Afghani people throughout.

याेजना गाैतम  - Aug 16 2022

नयनराज पाण्डे जन्म (सन् १९६६, ९ जुन) चर्चित नेपाली साहित्यकार हुन् । उनी नेपाली कथाकार, चलचित्रका पटकथा लेखक तथा समकालीन परिस्थितिलाई चित्रात्मक शैलीमा प्रस्तुत गर्ने प्रसिद्ध उपन्यासकार हुन् । उलार, लू, घामकिरी र सल्लीपिर उपन्यास उनका चर्चित उपन्यासमा पर्दछन् भने निदाएँ जगदम्बा, खोरभित्रको जोकर र चकलेट नामक कथा सङ्ग्रह पनि चर्चित छन् ।

Sunabi Pokharel  - Aug 05 2022

The novel begins with Jess, the main protagonist of the novel, living on a farm with his parents and his four sisters. He had been waking up early in the morning practicing running to become the fastest runner in his school. But on the day of the race, a girl named Leslie Burke, wins and becomes the fastest runner of their school. Jess didn’t really like Leslie in the beginning as she had won the race which he wanted to win but gradually his dislike started disappearing because she was a really intelligent and creative person. They both become friends very fast. As both Jess and Leslie were two of the fastest runners of their grade, they used to run together everyday.

जिया सापकाेटा  - Aug 05 2022

सुदेश सत्यालको “अन्तरिक्षको धर्ती” नामक कविता सङ्ग्रह एउटा उत्कृष्ट कविता सङ्ग्रह हो । कविले रचेका सुन्दर कविताको समूह मिलेर यो एउटा सुन्दर सङ्ग्रह बन्न पुगेको हो । यसमा कुल मिलाएर ५८ वटा कविताहरू छन् र सबै कविताहरू छन्द भएका छन् अर्थात् यहाँ प्रस्तुत कविताहरू पद्य कविताहरू हुन् । यहाँ भएका कविताहरू शर्दूलाविक्रीडित, भुजङ्गप्रयात, शिखरिणी, पञ्चचामर, अनुष्टुप, इन्दिरा, मालिनी, उपजाति, वसन्ततिलका, पृथ्वी, स्रग्विणी, मन्दाक्रान्ता, तोटक, स्रग्धरा छन्दहरूमा रचिएका छन् जसले ५८ वटा कविताहरू भएको कविता सङ्ग्रहमा १४ वटा छन्द प्रयोग भएको बताउँछ ।

सुभी लामिछाने  - Aug 05 2022

‘खुशीकाे बिहानी’ भन्ने कृति एउटा बाल उपन्यास हो । यो उपन्यासका लेखक सजनी नौवागे हुन् । उपन्यासमा भएका चित्रहरू सुनिता रोक्काले बनाउनु भएको हो । यो उपन्यासको सम्पादन डा.रामप्रसाद ज्ञवालीले गर्नु भएको हो । उपन्यासको प्रकाशन कथालय इन्क, काठमाडौं, नेपालले गरेको हो ।

Pranjal Khatiwada  - Jul 29 2022

Ikigai, book by Héctor García and Frances Miralles is a wonderful collection of Japanese philosophies and lifestyle choices, to lead a long and happy life.

रुसीना तामाङ  - Aug 05 2022

‘पानीको घाम’ लेखक अमर न्यौपानेद्वारा लिखित आख्यान हो । यो पुस्तक पैरवी प्रकाशनद्वारा सन् २००९ मा प्रकाशित गरिएको थियो । यस पुस्तकले २०६६ मा पद्मश्री साहित्य पुरस्कार पनि पाएको थियाे । यो नेपालगन्जकाे सामाजिक, आर्थिक, राजनीतिक र सांस्कृतिक परिवेशलाईसँग सम्बन्धित कथाहरूको सङ्ग्रह हाे ।

Hamro Patro - Connecting Nepali Communities
Hamro Patro is one of the first Nepali app to include Nepali Patro, launched in 2010. We started with a Nepali Calendar mobile app to help Nepalese living abroad stay in touch with Nepalese festivals and important dates in Nepali calendar year. Later on, to cater to the people who couldn’t type in Nepali using fonts like Preeti, Ganesh and even Nepali Unicode, we built nepali mobile keyboard called Hamro Nepali keyboard.