Pasa Puchah Guthi UK is organising an online global seminar on Sunday 29th November 2020 to mark the Nhu Dan Nepal Samvat 1141 and to celebrate the 20th anniversary of its establishment.
With a theme of “Contemporary Practices in the Preservation and Promotion of Newa Traditions”, the conference aims at exploring contemporary ways in which Newa culture experts and activists are involved in the preservation and promotion of Newa culture and traditions. The seminar will also shed light on the challenges and issues Newa community has been facing historically, and their potential solutions.
Pasa Puchah Guthi UK recognises that with the development and accessibility of technology, many of the historical challenges in preservation and promotion of Newa tradition and culture have been overcome by innovative and contemporary practices. The objective of this seminar is not just to celebrate the success of such practices but also to create a forum to discuss various other issues that might require broader participation from the Nepalese diasporas worldwide.
A number of Newa culture experts and enthusiasts globally will be presenting their experience and research on the efforts to preserve Newa culture and traditions.
The event will be delivered as the next seminar in Guthi Seminar Series hosted by Pasa Puchah Guthi UK, London since 2011. Expected to be participated by a number of Newa organisations around the world, the event will be broadcasted live on PPGUK’s official social media platforms.
The following presentations will be delivered at the seminar:
-“Challenges and importance of Nepal Samvat (ERA)” by Kashinath Tamot, Nepal
-“Towards a practical approach to Nepal Samvat” by Rukshana Kapali & Supriya Manandhar, Nepal
-“Challenges in the existence of Newa” by Mahesh Man Shrestha, Nepal
-“Promoting Ranjana script through mobile app and Callijatra workshops” by Sunita Dongol, Nepal
-“Bakhan Nyane Waa (Come listen to stories)” by Alina Tamrakar, Nepal
-“Preserving the legacy of our elders through Aji’s, a social enterprise” by Lorina Sthapit, Nepal
-“Autonomy of Guthi” by Malla K Sundar, Nepal
-“Classical Newa literature today: preserving manuscripts, studying by Dr Felix Otter, Germany
-“Transmission of Newa values through Intangible culture” by Dr Jyoti Tuladhar, Portugal
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