Nag Panchami Vrata ।International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples ।Tharu Guriya Parwa | Hamro Patro

ब्लग - साहित्य / चाडपर्व तथा दिन विशेष लेखहरू

Nag Panchami Vrata ।International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples ।Tharu Guriya Parwa

Nag Panchami Vrata Special Audio

Nagpanchami and its relevance from Mahabharata times
Nag Panchami, I call it a fulcrum of monsoon, right in the midpoint and this midpoint is culturally stated as Naagpanchami. The convoy of festivals has started and now in the hot sun, there is a hint of Dashain. Sanatana festivals are not only associated with religion but also with culture, our culture is further enriched by festivals like Nag Panchami, the day to worship reptiles, and dedicated to the serpent god, Naag.

The beautiful part of this festival is posting, sticking the serpent's picture on the main gate and doorways, doorway today is washed and the previous year's serpent picture is replaced with the newer one. It is largely believed that worshiping serpent king protects against the snake. So, this day, which falls on the Panchami of Shravan Shuklapaksh, is dedicated to the snake deity.

श्री नाग स्तोत्र
अगस्त्यश्च पुलस्त्यश्च वैशम्पायन एव च ।
सुमन्तुजैमिनिश्चैव पञ्चैते वज्रवारका: ॥१॥
मुने: कल्याणमित्रस्य जैमिनेश्चापि कीर्तनात् ।
विद्युदग्निभयं नास्ति लिखितं गृहमण्डल ॥२॥
अनन्तो वासुकि: पद्मो महापद्ममश्च तक्षक: ।
कुलीर: कर्कट: शङ्खश्चाष्टौ नागा: प्रकीर्तिता: ॥३॥
यत्राहिशायी भगवान् यत्रास्ते हरिरीश्वर: ।
भङ्गो भवति वज्रस्य तत्र शूलस्य का कथा ॥४॥
॥ इति श्रीनागस्तोत्रम् सम्पूर्णम् ॥

There are 12 serpents present in Vedic Darshan, including Ananta, Vasuki, Shesh, Padyam, Kambala, Karkotaka, Ashvatara, Dhritarashtra, Shankapala, Kalia, Takshaka, and Pingala.

Brahmin priests take cow dung and dubo (Pure grass) and stick it on the door of people's houses. It is believed that the image of the affixed serpent protects the people throughout the year.The real historical roots of Nag Panchami are found to be connected with the Mahabharata. The king named Parikshit is bitten by a snake named Taksha and dies.

His son Janmajaya started killing all the snakes in the world to avenge his father's death and for this, he started Mahayagya in which he invited Siddha sages, monks, and Pandits. Such a powerful fire is ignited in the Havan Kunda of the Yagya that all the snakes except Taksha are consumed there, but even the Taksha who have taken refuge in Indra's heaven gradually reach the snake consuming ignition with King Indra due to the increasing effect of the Yagya. Everyone was surprised to see this

Immediately after Manasdevi's son, Astika apologized to Janmajaya, he postponed the Yajna. All the serpents involved in the sacrifice have since been resurrected.

On this day, milk, sweets, flowers, and lava (ie roasted paddy) are offered for the worship of the snake deity. Since it is usually scary and risky to worship with a snake in front of it, the snake deity is worshiped on an idol, wood, or picture today.

May ecosystem is further strengthened and greenery prevail.
Meaningful wishes

International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous peoples across the globe
Over 476 million indigenous peoples are living in 90 countries across the world, accounting for 6.2 percent of the global population. Indigenous peoples are the holders of a vast diversity of unique cultures, traditions, languages, and knowledge systems. They have a special relationship with their lands and hold diverse concepts of development based on their worldviews and priorities.

Meaning of "Adi"
Indigenous people are called Adivasi in the Nepali language. 'Adi' refers to an ancient historical time, hence the people who have been living in a place for a very long time and have been cultivating the soil of that land for generations and have many original identities including arts and crafts are called AdiVasi.

Safeguarding indigenous people and their knowledge is the major issue today, their territories are home to 80% of the world's biodiversity and they teach us the balance of life and nature like no one else. The United Nations General Assembly on December 23, 1994, introduced the concept of celebrating August 9 as the International Day of Indigenous Peoples. The United Nations had earlier called for a decade from 1994 to 2004, including the Indigenous Decade for Action and Dignity.

The UN logo for the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples day was designed by Bangladeshi artist Reban Dewan. The logo features two green-eared ears that surround the earth. With the development of human civilization and the beginning of the migration, the density of immigrants has gradually increased and their identity, existence, different qualities, and customs have started to decrease.

Indigenous peoples, who make up 5 percent of the world's population, make up 15 percent of the worlds poor. The identity and presence of indigenous peoples from the polar regions of the earth to the South Pacific coast are declining as the later immigrant communities have been dominated by various sectors including occupation, identity, and settlement.

Theme 2024
This International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples on 9 August 2024 focuses on 'Protecting the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary Isolation and Initial Contact.' Indigenous Peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact are the best protectors of the forest.

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People
Article 14 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples states that indigenous peoples have the right to establish and control educational systems and institutions appropriate to their culture, language, customs, and traditions. Various studies have clearly shown the huge disparity between indigenous and non-indigenous communities in terms of educational opportunities, development, and overall human rights facilities.

Indigenous communities, who have been munching on nature for generations, are an ancient asset to the world, and maintaining their identity in the mainstream of development has been a major challenge for the world community. There are indigenous communities in most parts of Nepal, a multi-ethnic, multi-religious, and multicultural country, and they are rapidly trying to keep their identity, customs, and originality alive. Shockingly, things have not been able to continue and even their identity has been lost by changing their original surname.

The bitter truth is that their presence in their place will be more beneficial to the world and the community than to the cities, settlements, and connected factories built by displacing and dislocating the indigenous peoples.

A comfortable, simple, and developed society is the responsibility of all of us for the Adivasi community. Whether we are a non-Adivasi or Adivasi community, it is important to show the next generation a realistic picture of society and a reflection of the origin of development. Happy Adivasi Day to all!

Guriya Parwa
In this festival, Tharu women make dolls as a symbol of brother and sister's love, while men wield and play with dolls with sticks and whips. Giving a glimpse of the pottery played in childhood, this festival reveals a sweet example of brotherhood as well as the belief that the dolls will go through their pains, illnesses, and sufferings and that humans will be healthy.

What is a guria?
The guria from Gudiya is also commonly understood as a homemade doll. But the gurhi is an insect that can be found in the Terai region, on the banks of rivers or streams, and in the fields. In western Nepal, Kailali, Kanchanpur, and Dang, it is called Guriya and some people also call it Jingaura. In the mid-hills, it is also called singing insects, or Gaine Kira. This insect is also called a helicopter insect because it looks like a helicopter and comes in different colors.
In the Western Tharu language, Guriya also means pearl necklace, but since it is a doll-making festival, it is believed that the name of the festival is derived from Gudiya.Best wishes to all on this occasion.

-Suyog Dhakal

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