Trayodashi Shradhha
Trayodashi Shraddha is also called Magha Shraddha. This day is also called Magha Triodashi as the Magha constellation falls on this day in the afternoon. The shraddha of the Triodashi date of the Pitri Paksha, which lasts from the full moon to the new moon of Bhadrapada, is looked at in a special way.
Pitru Paksha or Mahalaya Shraddha is also called Parvan Shraddha, performing these shraddha deeds at Kutup and Rohini moments is considered to be very fruitful. Triodashi Shraddha is also called Kakavali or Valbholani Teras. It is considered very fruitful to pay homage to the children who died prematurely on this date, wishing salvation to Pitris who died on this date.
Som Pradosh Vrata
Triodashi is called Pradosh. Like Ekadashi, Pradosh is important every month, Vishnu is remembered in Ekadashi, and Shiva is remembered in Pradosh. Pradosh begins 45 minutes before sunset and ends 45 minutes after sunset.
Som Pradosh
Today is Som Pradosh Vrat as it is Pradosh Vrat on Monday. Monday is considered to be Shiva's beloved day, so it is believed that those who fast today and praises Lord Shiva, will attain immense purity and boons.
Pradosha Katha
It is mentioned in the scriptures that Lord Shiva cured the disease of the moon on the day of Triodashi when the effect of the moon was diminishing.
Due to this, Pradosh Vrat is observed in the Triodashi every month in remembrance of Lord Shiva. It is more fruitful to worship Shiva in the time of Pradosh
-Suyog Dhakal
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