It was misinterpreted as a delusion to say that leprosy and those who are afflicted with the disease are unforgivable sinners. As this delusion was cultivated based on some myths and memories written in the middle era, leprosy was considered a curse and a sin in Nepali society for centuries. Many patients were tied up in the corner of the backyard, and the horrific scenes and stories of those who died after leprosy melted parts of their bodies are still heard in society.
After decades of suffering from leprosy, Nepali society is now looking at leprosy in general. If the older generation still sees leprosy as a curse, time will answer that.
Theme 2025
The theme for International Customs Day in 2025 is "Customs Delivering on its Commitment to Efficiency, Security and Prosperity".
The World Customs Organization (WCO) chooses a theme for International Customs Day each year. The theme for 2025 highlights the WCO's commitment to efficiency, security, and prosperity.
What happens today?
Rallies are being held with placards with slogans such as "Let's not discriminate against lepers, let's love lepers, let's end discrimination against lepers". Rallies and other programs are also being organized in the rural areas of the country to spread public awareness against leprosy. To raise awareness about leprosy sufferers, the worldwide anti-leprosy campaign was started on January 30, 1954.
The disease is caused by an infection with the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis. There may be no symptoms at the beginning of the infection. Some infected people do not see much effect for five to 20 years. Leprosy is of two types. That is why some affected people are found to be in critical condition and even die when they neglect treatment due to lack of awareness. The most common symptoms of leprosy are a tingling sensation in the body, a tingling sensation in the hands and feet, and a feeling of weakness in the body. To completely eradicate leprosy, the government has also provided allowances for the patients to have access to health treatment centers.
Medications are free in Nepali health centers.
World Customs Day
The World Customs Organization (WCO) will celebrate World Customs Day on January 26 this year as it has in other years.
Theme for 2025 .The theme for International Customs Day in 2025,The theme for International Customs Day in 2025 is "Customs Delivering on its Commitment to Efficiency, Security and Prosperity".
The World Customs Organization (WCO) chooses a theme for International Customs Day each year. The theme for 2025 highlights the WCO's commitment to efficiency, security, and prosperity.
What is customs duty?
Customs duty is the customs duty charged when goods are imported from one country to another country at the border of two countries. This is an indirect tax. When goods are imported from home to abroad, import duty is charged.
Generally, the tax levied by the government on imports and exports is called customs. Nepal has been described as a yam between two stones since time immemorial. Nepal has many customs offices connected to India and China.
As soon as we wake up in the morning, we use teacups, or various types of foreign utensils, such as bowls, spoons, all imported goods, clothes, and used mobiles, computers are imported through these various customs offices. Globalization was hardly possible without custom.
In this sense, customs are of great importance for the simple and easy supply of goods and services needed in our daily lives. Even every vehicle we board, including every bit of fuel we consume and every pinch of salt in our kitchen, has come through the customs.
As Nepal is a landlocked country, customs are very important for us. Goods imported or exported are audited at such customs offices, taxed according to the laws of the country, and imported according to the standards. Thus, the country collects the customs duty as revenue for various activities related to development, security, and other national interests.
These are the sources of most of the government's investment in the country's development measures, from roads to schools, bridges and other physical infrastructure, and other measures of development. Goods coming in large cargo vehicles through customs checkpoints with China or checkpoints with India are our lifeline.
Today, Customs Day is celebrated in Nepal by holding various awareness programs and seminars as well as citizen motivational and informative programs.
Supplying any goods or services by evading customs is a legal crime, and evading customs to supply goods and services is punishable. Every year on Customs Day, the Ministry of Finance of the Government of Nepal sets a specific objective and discusses whether that objective has been achieved or not? And they also discuss further difficulties and practices.
May the Government of Nepal succeed in exchanging goods and services from all over the world, and execute meaningful trade agreements with both China and India for import and export. The only international airport, namely Tribhuvan Airport, should be made more scientific and convenient to facilitate easy import and export.
Let the loyalty of the civil servants not be jeopardized. The details and calculations of customs audits in the world, which have been made easy and simple by computer technology, are still being done in Nepal mostly on old and handwritten paper so that technology can make Nepali customs easier to bind. May the interest of Nepali and the victory of Nepal be ensured.
-Suyog Dhakal
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