Introducing "Nepali News Mining Engine" powered by Machine Learning Algorithms in Hamro Patro v10.9.0 | Hamro Patro

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Introducing "Nepali News Mining Engine" powered by Machine Learning Algorithms in Hamro Patro v10.9.0

Similar/Related News

Hamro Patro has been continuously updating the app to provide most exciting features for its users time and again. The news section in the app was the latest addition and we are overwhelmed by the the kind of response we got from our users. The news section of the app is updated every time with latest news and updates from different sources in wide variety of topics including politics, sports, technology, entertainment, health, social issues etc. Until now, it was very difficult to read the news that users are more interested in. We have now released the latest version with a brand new feature called “Similar News” powered by our “Nepali News Mining Engine”. This feature allows user to see a list of news that are similar to the one you are reading. For example, if you are reading a news about “Euro Cup”, our system will suggest you the news related to “Football”, “Ronaldo”, “Match Result” found across all of our news portals. And, if you are reading news about “Bibaha”, our system will also suggest you news related to “Sun ko bhau” and likewise. To add this feature, our engineers have spent countless hours to develop “Nepali News Mining Engine” to analyse nepali language structure and perfected machine learning algorithm especially for Nepali language. The accuracy of our engine is approximately 90% at this time and our engineering team is continuously working to further improvise this system. We hope you will find this feature useful to know more about the news that you care about.

Adaptive Image Quality

Based on internet speed, Hamro Patro app adjusts the quality of the image automatically. Let's say you are in slow data network like 2G, our app uses the lower quality of image instead of full size image. As the lower quality image has lower size, image load faster even in slow network. If you want to save the data, you can manually set image quality to a lower settings.


We have completely revamped our panchanga offering with this release. Instead of just showing what tithi today is, we also show the time when the tithi ends and another tithi starts. We have added Nepal sambat, daily sunrise, sunset, moonrise and moonset time. To make our panchanga accurate, we have partnered with Mr. Raghunath Dhungel, one the pioneer computer programmer of Nepal, best known for his Bhaghchal game probably the first Nepali computer game. Now, our panchanga is based on his highly accurate astrology software. We are very fortunate to work with Mr. Dhungel,excited to bring this accurate panchang to all of our users.


Tarkari Bazar

With this release, our user can see the updated price of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Users can see both retail and wholesale price of seasonal vegetables and fruits as determined by  Kalimati Bazar Samiti.

Widget Update

We have fixed bug in Load Shedding widgets that would stop the load-shedding widget occasionally. In additional to this, we have added load shedding information in Today widget and notification widget as well.

With "Similar News" powered by "Nepali News Mining Engine" and adaptive image quality, this is one of our most innovative release. Please let us know how you like these news feature. You can rate us in Play store or write us email at [email protected].

Once again, thank you all for trusting Hamro Patro as your daily driver.

Shankar Uprety
Founder/CEO at Hamro Patro

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Hamro Patro - Connecting Nepali Communities
Hamro Patro is one of the first Nepali app to include Nepali Patro, launched in 2010. We started with a Nepali Calendar mobile app to help Nepalese living abroad stay in touch with Nepalese festivals and important dates in Nepali calendar year. Later on, to cater to the people who couldn’t type in Nepali using fonts like Preeti, Ganesh and even Nepali Unicode, we built nepali mobile keyboard called Hamro Nepali keyboard.