All justice-loving Nepalis are welcome on Law Day. Nepal has been celebrating Baishakh 26 as Law Day, the day when Nepal issued the Judicial Act in 2009 BS.The need for the judiciary to play its role with a greater sense of responsibility to uphold constitutional supremacy and the rule of law in Nepal, and to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, is being emphasized today.
Of course, Nepal's constitutional judicial independence has been questioned from time to time. There is a history that the same person has been the head of the executive and the judiciary even during the practice of democracy. Contrary to the spirit of an independent judiciary, the question of judicial independence was raised when the then Chief Justice Khil Raj Regmi was given the responsibility of the Chief Executive.
While Khil Raj Regmi was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, he was appointed as the Chairman of the Interim Electoral Council of Ministers on March 12, 2008, as the Prime Minister. Regmi's appointment had created another confusion in the concept of an independent judiciary along with the politics that became confused when the Constituent Assembly elected in 2064 BS could not draft a new constitution. Contrary to the principle of separation of powers, the Nepal Bar Association had protested against the same person becoming the head of two major organs.
In any case, with the emergence of an independent judiciary in Sovereign Nepal, we would like to summarize the history of Nepali judicial history by describing more beyond the summary of these allegations, incidents, and decisions made above the court. The history of Nepali justice has come here through the Malla Kalin justice system, the proverb of going to Gorkha if justice is not given in the time of Ram Shah. As the pages of history unfolded, the executive, the judiciary and the legislature remained in the hands of the Rana rulers until 2007 BS, National Law Day is the day that Nepal got an independent judiciary by establishing the Central Court for the first time in the year 2007 BS after the success of the revolution of Falgun 7. Gradually, in 2009 BS, the First and Historic Court Act 2008 was issued as Nyayalaya Ain. This was the act that provided that the decisions of the Supreme Court would be irrefutable and final. This was the starting point of Nepal's independent judiciary to this day.
This day is also considered as the day when the foundation of democracy and human rights was laid in Nepal. It is believed that justice day will ensure the access of the general public to justice and increase respect for the judiciary.This year's Law Day must address the tears in the eyes of family members who went missing during the conflict to the pangs of service recipients who have been dragging documents of cases stuck in local courts for decades. The practice of interpreting injustice as a country cursed by sati and taking injustice as normal in Nepal should be gradually reduced by the law day of this year.
May the effectiveness of justice be maintained in the holy land of Pashupatinath, may the rule of law prevail and the law prevail. On this day, the courts of all the three levels leave for the District, Punarabedan, and Supreme Court. Today, a special program is organized in the afternoon at the Supreme Court premises and various programs are organized in the institutions related to the courts across the country.
An unpleasant mixture of politics and the judiciary is what today's Nepali court needs to get rid of. Let the white sentiments within the black coat be transparent, let the long and equal hands of the law be on everyone's head, let the law not be bought and sold.
Meaningful wishes
International Redcross Day
I would like to take you to May 8, 1828, the day Henry Dunant was born in Geneva, Switzerland in Europe. Every year, the world commemorates, dedicates, and harmonizes the birthday of this great personality, the first winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and the founder of a global philanthropic organization such as the Red Cross, as World Red Cross Day. I would also like to introduce Henry as a writer because his book (Memory of Solferino) written in 1859 is a very touching travel memoir.
The site of Solferino, now in Italy, witnessed the tragic condition of the bleeding soldiers, the wounded, and the dead when Henry arrived in this part of Europe in connection with the war. This journey inspired him to start an unprecedented organization for world philanthropy, the Red Cross, in 1863 as the International Commission of the Red Cross, or ICRC. The main tasks of the Red Cross are to protect humanity and rescue the wounded in war-torn areas.
This world has gone through many wars, has a history of bloodshed, and in every war, significant numbers of wounded have died without treatment. Founded by Henry Dunant with the value of humanity and the need for service, the Red Cross now operates in more than 190 countries around the world.
In Nepal too, we may have been very active in the Junior Red Cross and Youth Red Cross Circles, embracing the values of volunteerism and humanity from most of the schools we attended. The Nepal Red Cross was started in Nepal in 1963. Nepal Red Cross has been providing its services in all 77 districts. The Red Cross has made great strides in disaster management in Nepal, which was hit by major earthquakes in 1990, 2045, and 2072 BS. The Red Cross is an irreplaceable organization for blood donation and easy blood availability.
The contribution of the Red Cross in the First and Second World Wars cannot be described. The contribution of the Red Cross in the history of humanitarian service in the world has been written by golden letters in the pages of history. Henry Dunant's dream of humanitarian service is linked to the Red Cross's many other incomparable contributions, and the Red Cross volunteers and leadership around the world who have dedicated their lives to humanitarian service.
Recently, the Red Cross has been accused around the world of being less transparent in terms of financial transparency. The world needs the Red Cross so that business does not become entrenched in an institution of human faith that is more than a century old with a fair sense of service. Best wishes
Suyog Dhakal
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