World Health day | Hamro Patro

ब्लग - साहित्य / नेपाली चाडपर्व तथा महत्त्वपूर्ण दिनहरू

World Health day

This day was incepted before half a century on the year of 1948 when the first health assembly was held. Since taking this effect on 1950, every year on April 7, world health day is observed. This day aims in spreading global awareness under specific health themes and highlight a priority area of concern under the World health organization. Over the past century till this new millennium, this day has lightened important health issues like maternal health, newborn child care, nutrition, climate change and many more.

This year WHO apparently acknowledges the contribution of nurses and midwives in keeping this world healthy, under the pandemic of COVID 19. In the campaign page of WHO it clearly states that

"This World Health Day, we honor the contribution of nurses and midwives, recognizing their vital role in keeping the world healthy. Nurses and other health workers are at the frontlines of COVID-19 response, putting their own health at risk to protect the broader community. Comprising more than two-thirds of the health of the workforce in the WHO Western Pacific Region, nurses are critical in responding to health needs in all settings and across the lifespan."

This day is globally observed by government and non-government agencies and the celebration is led by WHO, this day primarily promotes healthier living habits and aims in increasing the life expectancy of every people around this globe. Organized activities, pledges, workshops, campaigns, seminars, and media campaigns are help in this day followed by public marches, demonstrations and free medical test facilities.

Health is the ultimate wealth, so let's commit ourselves to adopt a healthier lifestyle and practices.

Suyog Dhakal

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Hamro Patro - Connecting Nepali Communities
Hamro Patro is one of the first Nepali app to include Nepali Patro, launched in 2010. We started with a Nepali Calendar mobile app to help Nepalese living abroad stay in touch with Nepalese festivals and important dates in Nepali calendar year. Later on, to cater to the people who couldn’t type in Nepali using fonts like Preeti, Ganesh and even Nepali Unicode, we built nepali mobile keyboard called Hamro Nepali keyboard.